Monday, March 07, 2005

Small Businesses Using Blogs

Small Businesses Using Blogs

Here's a good article from the Contra Costa Times that chronicles several small businesses who use blogs to connect with their customers and generate new business. Well worth reading. (registration required)

Two New Small Business Blog Clients
I want to introduce two new clients I worked with (am working with) who are now blogging. Both are small business owners, one an attorney and the other a jeweler. Both are excellent writers and are getting used to writing "blog-style." And they are...
Jeff Syrios -
Patti Thompson -
I want to especially thank Lisa Sabin at for her work on the design.

Business Blog Case Study: Stoneyfield Farms
Rick Bruner (OK, he's not really a comedian, but he plays one on his blog. :->) recently did an interview with Stoneyfield Farms' corporate blogger, Christine Halverson. It answers several questions you might be asking about small business blogging.Stoneyfield runs four separate blogs each targeting a particular demographic. The company, which makes yogurt, is a prime example of how blogs can be used as marketing communications tools.

Real World Business Blogging
In a
recent post Tinbasher blogger Paul Woodhouse makes a real world case for using blogs in business...Blogging is the logical solution. By all means have your static website which lays claim to your products, services, testimonials and all the other usual stuff. A business blog allows you to expand on all of these aspects of your site and build a more complete picture.You can look at your blog in the same way as you’d look at a business meeting with a potential client. A blog can even help you focus your thought processes that whirl about your head on a daily basis.Business blogging is the new bricks and mortar for your web presence. You have the opportunity to re-identify yourself on the web and to make that vital connection with your customers in the same way as if they’d popped into your office for a brew.

Small Business Blog Case Study:
HorsefeathersI wrote a
PowerBlog Review for Small Business Trends blog about a restaurant called Horsefeathers that is using a blog as their website. Rather than reprint it here, let me encourage you to read it on their site.

Small Business Blog Case Study:
Northfield ConstructionThis is the third case study I've done on small businesses that blog. This one features
Northfield Constructon, based in Northfield, Minnesota.RMG: What advantages do you see in the use of a blog for your business?Ray: The big advantage and the main reason I went to a blog is because it is so easy to post things to the site. There are millions of very boring web pages that haven't had attention for years. I had a company webpage that I struggled to get updated every 3-4 months. Now I can easily post and add things about our work. The best thing about blogs is the quick, easy posting and the fact that they are written from a person....not an entity.If you visit the company website, you'll note that its home page is the blog. Or, conversely, the blog is the home page. This represents a growing trend which allows you to kill two birds with one stone. Not only do you incorporate your blog into the overall architecture of the site, you provide your readers with a constant stream of updated information without having to redirect them to another page or site. They get it all right there!

Small Businesses Are Blogging!
Thanks to
Grif Wrigley just about every business in his hometown of Northfield, MN is blogging! (Or so it would seem.)Grif's company, Wigley and Associates, specializes in helping small businesses and other organizations set up and maintain weblogs on their web sites. A quick count of his client list shows over 30 businesses and organizations that are currently using blogs as communication tools for their business.
He is even in the process of writing a book entitled
Small Business Blogging - Why and How to Do It.Other case studies are available on this site.

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