Monday, June 27, 2005

Verslag Tweede Nederlandse Businessblogmeeting

Marco Derksen

Gisteren vond bij Publicis in Amstelveen de tweede Nederlandse Businessblog-meeting plaats.

Ruim 40 deelnemers (waarvan veruit de meerderheid aktief met weblogs), waren getuige van presentaties van Stephan Fellinger, Neville Hobson en Ton Zijlstra. Elk van de sprekers bekeek het fenomeen weblogs vanuit zijn eigen discipline. Stephan vanuit marketing, Neville vanuit communicatie en Ton vanuit kennisdeling.

Rough translation from Babelfish:

Yesterday the second Dutch businessblog meeting took place at Publicis in Amstelveen. More than 40 participants (of which by far the majority aktief with web-unwieldly), were getuige of presentations of Stephan Fellinger, Neville Hobson and barrel Zijlstra. Each of the participants examined the phenomenon web-unwieldly from its own discipline. Stephan from marketing, Neville from communication and barrel from division.

What I am curious about is this "web-unwieldy" they keep talking about. And who is this "barrel" who refuses to capitalize his own name? And what is a getuige? What must those people be smoking?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny! Weblogs are a bit unwieldy, aren't they? And although Ton did develop a paunch, I wouldn't compare him with a barrel. Getuige = witness and no, we didn't smoke anything (at least not during the meeting) ;-)

8:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL! Are you in Amsterdam? I visited your fair country a few years ago, and found it most civilized. Perhaps some of that culture will one day trickle over to our backwoods.

Probably best that you waited until after the meeting...

Kind regards,

11:21 AM  

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