Blogging comes to Matthews, NC

Will the Matthews News & Record follow the lead of the Greensboro News & Record, and invite bloggers to become a part of their editorial and reportorial mix? After all it is housed in the same Wi-Fi hotspot as Kaldi's Koffee House...which could become the region's first Blog Cafe. And a better place for it could hardly be imagined. Nice people, plush sofas and chairs, tables, chandeliers, WiFi, great coffees (including cappuccino & espresso) chai tea, pastries, sandwiches, salads and more for your delicate sensibilities.

If you are a local blogger...come to Kaldi's Koffee House located in the Bank Building, downtown Matthews, at 157 N. Trade Street which is Internet, WiFi and coffee-ready. Meet other bloggers. Host blog meet-ups. And while you are there...maybe you can convince the Matthews News & Record that they could do worse that incorporating bloggers and blogs into their news mix. And if you need help with your blog or your website, right around the corner is Parker Web Developers, who can answer most of your questions.
Kaldi's is open the following hours:
Mon.-Thurs. - 7am-9pm
Friday - 7am-11pm
Saturday - 8am-11pm
For more information you may contact Pam via email or phone 704.321.7113.
Labels: blogger, Internet, internet cafe, parker, wifi
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