Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Greensboro Is Talking about bloggercons

Greensboro Is Talking

With today’s announcement of a Charlotte Bloggercon in September, I was curious as to what impact this might have on a summer Piedmont Conference II. So I sidled on over to Cone’s place and asked, figuring since he helped organize the last one and he has his finger on the pulse of blogging and all that, that he might just be the guy to ask.

Ed responded:

I have not given much thought to another Greensboro conference, because I haven’t felt the need for one — with the ongoing series of events here (eg Meetups, visits from Gillmor and Winer, Teach-in), the general vitality of our scene, and the conference in Chapel Hill, it seems like there has been plenty of talk and action. The Charlotte event seems to me to be part of a series that started here, and would make a GSO event near the same time feel redundant…that’s my take. Do other feel a need for a GSO event in the next several months?

The conversation continues...

There are so many ways things can evolve. They can transpire in a different city each time, for example. Or reunioncons might grow into coliseum-sized August Jams (I'm dating myself!). I should think that reflecting the area would be appropriate. The city could get involved, and help show off what it deems fit.

Since blogs are such a great way to, say, attract an audience...bloggercons might also take on multigroup venues, where blogger-artists and blogger-musicians, for example, might take advantage of the gathering, and vice versa.

Celebrating sharing, creativity, innovation, education, content...these are all things that can be won at a bloggercon.
These things and more...

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